We develop high quality and individualised software solutions. Our portfolio encompasses applications for web and mobile devices and small appearances or comprehensive portals. No matter what kind of project you need, our main focus is always the development of high quality, secure and long lasting applications. Our service encompasses conception and strategy, design and usability as well as the development of the software itself. To give our customers the best experience, we work with the best and most modern technologies.  

Clients (excerpt)
Raiffeisen Schweiz
localsearch - Swisscom Directories AG
Tamedia AG

We implemented our first customer project in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in 2016. Nowadays, you find AI in almost every software. What used to be fiction is now reality with image recognition, speech recognition, automated medical diagnosis or self-propelled cars. Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to simulate human behavior and to make decisions as intelligent (or even more intelligent) as humans. With artificial intelligence, we are able to recognize patterns on the basis of available data and derive forecasts from them. We can thus solve and automate problems and questions – regardless of the field. We look forward to supporting you with our experience in data analysis and implementation of AI projects. 

Clients (excerpt)
WIRZ Communications
Tamedia AG
Graubünden Ferien
Some products
Some references
With Renuo I found a competent and innovative partner with which both financial aspects as well as advice and competence are right.
Michael Abegg, CEO Schuler Auktionen AG
Quotation marks

One of our first software development projects was in the area of onboarding solutions and loyalty management. Since then, we have advised and provided technical support to numerous customers in the field of onboarding and loyalty management. Our expertise includes automated onboarding of online and offline card applications. On the other hand, we are specialists in the implementation of loyalty management systems for bonus cards with or without payment function. 

Clients (excerpt)
Viseca Card Services SA

Developing online applications such as websites or mobile apps takes a lot of time and is costly. Many great visions for new applications are lost because they cannot be implemented in the first place. In our prototyping lab, we solve exactly this problem with a so-called «design sprint». The design sprint was developed by Jake Knapp during his work at GV (formerly Google Ventures) and describes a process in which a prototype is created from a vision over five days without having to write a single line of code.

Clients (excerpt)
GS1 Switzerland

Digital advertising campaigns aim to increase the presence and visibility of a product on the web for a specific target audience, as the visibility of a web application is crucial to its success. We are happy to support you with online campaigns. Together we create an advertising strategy, which is tailored to your individual needs and goals and includes advertising campaigns with Google Ads as well as ads on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram.  

Clients (excerpt)
Schuler Auktionen
Cavegn Immobilien

The flawless functionality and good visibility of an application on the Internet is crucial for its success. That is why we support you with individual search engine optimisation. This aims on the one hand to guarantee a good visibility in the results of search engines and on the other hand to provide your users with a perfect user experience of the website.

Clients (excerpt)
Schuler Auktionen

You want to sell your product online? We will fully support you in the conception, development and/or revision of your e-commerce project. Whether it's B2B or B2C, we provide you with the necessary infrastructure and advise you on digital transformation or the consistent implementation of conversion-driven advertising campaigns. 

Clients (excerpt)